Have you ever bought a plant that no longer blooms after a while ? Many causes can prevent this flowering, such as light, nutrients, water, temperature or humidity.
In this article we show you some tricks that will help your plants grow strong and healthy.
1- TeaWhen you drink tea, never throw away the bags or the leaves because they will be useful to fertilize the soil. In order for the plants to flower quickly you must remove all the flowers that have already dried.2- Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an excellent nutrient generator. Take 2 cinnamon sticks, crush them and spread them around the root and all over the plant, including the part of the ground where you put the cinnamon. You can repeat it at least 1 time a week.3- ShellsYou need a few banana peels, shells from 4 eggs, and coffee grounds. Mix everything and you will get a paste.
4- ClovesYou should place at least 3 or 4 cloves on the ground very close to the plant.– Good drainageA good way to ensure that they flourish is to place them in places with a good flow of water. You can place a good substrate at the base, then the soil and the plant.Never forget that the soil is the food and support that will allow your plant to develop in a healthy way.

– TransplantSome plants do not flower due to lack of nutrients or lack of space. In case of lack of space it is easy to notice that your plant is not the same size as when you bought it. In fact, as their roots grow they are necessarily elongated and require much more space.In order for them to continue to flourish, it will be necessary to change their location from time to time to a larger pot. You will notice this when you lift the pot up and see that the roots have begun to show through the drainage holes. Try to do it in spring, choose a larger pot than the one you had, place a good substrate and plant carefully. Finally, add soil